Paws for Thought – A Must-Read for Every Dog Lover

Paws for Thought enthrals with debut author Elaine Jacques’ short story collection.

With her beloved border collie, Monty, taking on the role of both narrator and protagonist, this charming anthology chronicles Monty’s journey from canine adolescence to adulthood, his adventures, new friendships formed and a whole host of unforgettable experiences that kept his tail wagging.

Starting life as the runt of the litter, and described by Elaine as a ‘little odd, piglet looking puppy’ the happiness that Monty brings to his besotted owner jumps from each and every page. Also setting Elaine on the unexpected path to becoming a published and successful author, Paws for Thought confirms why dogs really are man’s best friend.

Catering to Your Dogs' Specific Needs: A Definitive Guide for Pet Owners

That’s how joyful life can be when you have a doggo in your life. These wonderful animals deserve all the best things in life because they love us unconditionally and are extremely devoted to us.

Therefore, it’s completely logical if you want to ensure they have a long and happy life that’s filled with precious moments. If you want your fur buddy to live the best possible life, then these are the things that you must do.
Physical Activity As A MustAlthough every canine owner is aware of this fact, it doesn't hurt to remind you, in case you're a first-time owner. Physical activity is generally very important for every living being, including dogs.You can opt for any type of physical activity, depending on your lifestyle and the demands of your dog.

For instance, there are dogs that are not too fond of any form of exercise or physical activity.In these types of situations, taking a walk with them is the best solution. On the other hand, there are high-energy dogs that cannot stand still for a single second, which means that running or hiking may be the only option for them.
But the point is that every doggo must stay active, depending on the breed you have. Larger breeds generally require more physical activity in comparison to smaller ones. Besides being beneficial for their physical health, walking is a great mental stimulation as well.
That's because they get the chance to enjoy various different sounds, sights, and smells, and, concurrently, meet other dogs, and animals in general. Just don’t forget to always have a poop bag when going outside!

Forget Tear Stains!
Although this may not be something that’s going to ruin your canine’s life, you should definitely find a solution that’s going to help him eliminate them. But before we further dive into it, let’s first uncover the main cause of tear staining in dogs.

The most common cause of it is excessive tear production, which is also known as epiphora. Besides that, there are various other factors that may lead to this, such as cuts and bruises, bacterial eye infections, eye inflammation, and many others.Luckily, in most cases, this is nothing to worry about, however, if you would like to prevent this from happening or at least lower the chances, then there are some things that you can take into consideration.

For starters, there are lots of excellent remedies that are intended for dog tear stains that you can buy that offer phenomenal protection against this problem. Another thing that you can do is to make sure that the hair around your pup’s eyes and nose isn’t too long and, above everything, that your pup’s face is regularly cleaned.